Chem 130A
This course will provide an introduction to the chemical principles behind the design and production of pharmaceutical agents.
Required Text:
Expectations: This class is not about memorization. It is about developing analytical thinking and problem solving skills. Outline (subject to change):
week 1 Intro to drug discovery: natural products, lead compounds (1, 2.1)
week 2 lead modification (2.2A-E)
week 3 lead modification (2.2F-G)
week 4 receptors (3.1-3.2)
week 5 enzyme structure and function (4.1-4.3)
week 6 enzyme inhibition 1 (5.1-5.4B)
week 7 enzyme inhibition 2 (5.4C-5.5)
week 8 DNA/RNA issues (6)
week 9 metabolism, toxicity (7)
week 10 prodrugs, drug delivery, ion channels (8) Miller Symposium
week 11 visit from a Sundeep Dugar, a practicing pharmaceutical chemist from industry the big picture